On December 17th, the “Christmas Charity Event in Support of Ukraine in Karatsu,” co-organized with UAFukuoka, was held at Maizuruso, Karatsu City, Saga prefecture.
The event had an informational and entertaining program. Professors and students from Kyushu University, Kumamoto University, and the Japan University of Economics visited us, gave speeches, and interacted with Karatsu Minami High School students. As a result, the students had a valuable international exchange experience in Karatsu. The major feat of the event was the cooking of the traditional Ukrainian borsch – the dish historically embedded in Ukrainian culture that was recently inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Unesco. Thanks to the excellent coordination by Shota Kinoshita (Karatsu FARM&FOOD NPO), we obtained the crucial components for the classic Borsch recipe from local farmers. More than ten people’s teams consisted of Ukrainians who study and work at Kyushu University, Japanese volunteers from 0100 Karatsu city community circle and Karatsu Minami High School, and many others who provided logistical support. We prepared more than 120 L of borsch and distributed it among visitors who attended and donated to the cause of Ukraine.

We want to express our sincere gratitude to all those who supported, donated, opened stalls, performed, and came to the event despite the cold weather. More than 300 people attended the event, according to the organizers’ estimate.
Citing the words of the vice-chairman of the Ukraine Association in Fukuoka Prefecture: “Thank you very much for today, ladies and gentlemen. Thanks to all the very nice people of Karatsu, you did not let the cold weather stop you, and you gave us many smiles and warm words. It is a great encouragement for all people from Ukraine, for all of us. Thank you very much!”
As the event’s outcome, all organizers hope that the circle of support for Ukraine will continue to expand in both Saga and Fukuoka Prefectures.
In total, 224,906 yen were raised (151,754¥ – borsch, 73,152¥ donation boxes of Ukrainian Association of Fukuoka Prefecture). We are grateful to everyone for their support!
We will send the funds collected from selling borsch (¥151,754) to the Embassy of Ukraine in Japan, which coordinates the donations from Japan and transfers them to Ukraine. In addition, UAFukuoka will use the funds collected in the donation boxes of UAFukuoka to purchase heating pads (Kairo) and other essentials to send to Ukraine.
We want to express special appreciation to Sponsor companies that supported the charity event.
- 税理士法人TJ会計ソリューション
- 合同会社虹のかがやき
- 小松飲料株式会社
- 佐賀牛のお肉屋さん にくのともる
- ふりーだむ針灸院
- Hola! Quwanne (オーラ クワンネ)
- 株式会社ブルーム
- よしむら整形外科クリニック
- 株式会社シモカワ
- くまもと整骨院
- 隈本整骨院
- 合資会社旭建材工業
- 村山設備ガス(株)
- 株式会社伊豆丸商店
- みのり農場
- 唐津レインボーライオンズクラブ
- NPO法人唐津市子育て支援情報センター
- スナック ビギン
- 有限会社 オ・ム
- (有)ワタナベ
Also, we have received support, promotion and cooperation from the following organizations
- 唐津南高校 虹の松原プロジェクトチーム / Niji-no-Matsubara Project team
- 0100地域の輪 / 0100 Karatsu city community circle
- 在日ウクライナ大使館 / Embassy of Ukraine in Japan
- 唐津市 / Karatsu city
- 佐賀県教育委員会 / Board of Education of Saga prefecture
- Saga Ukeire Network ~ウクライナひまわりプロジェクト
- Student Charity for Ukraine: 日本の学生による、ウクライナ支援
- ウクライナ避難民サポート団体「桜と向日葵」九州ブロック